05-03-2012 02:56 AM
i want to write in a data base some data thtat i receive from serial port...
but well, can someone help me and show me how to write in a acess file some random numbers...
how can i do it??
i attached what i have done!
05-03-2012 08:13 AM
You can use LabSQL for reading/writing Access database. http://jeffreytravis.com/lost/labsql.html
05-03-2012 08:20 AM
THANKS, i have download it but i don't know how to work with them... have you got any example apart from the examples in the downoad file?
05-03-2012 08:36 AM
ADO is based on Microsoft's technology.
You will need to convert from Visual Basic 6 to LabVIEW.
05-03-2012 09:22 AM
any program, example for labview??nothing????
i can't do it nothing with this!
05-03-2012 09:29 AM
05-03-2012 09:29 AM
Do a search. There may be something on this message board.
I have converted VB6 with ActiveX automation to LabVIEW. Sometimes you have no choice but to do that.
05-03-2012 09:40 AM
Thanks a lot
05-03-2012 11:17 AM
You can do 99% of what you need with 4 basic functions in the LabSQL toolkit - ADO Connection Create, ADO Connection Open, and ADO Connection Close. Everything related to ActiveX has already been done and there is just no need to think about converting any VB code. You do need to know SQL as I already mentioned.
05-04-2012 01:59 AM
sorry but i have not experinces with data bases thats why i am soo lose