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Want to bring my vi from 2010 to 2011

We have just finished creating a vi that will be used in student labs where I work. It was created in LV 2010 and when I try to open it on my computer in LV 2010, it opens fine and loads all of the necessary vis to run. This is a pretty simple program that uses a USB A/D system and collects data on 1 or 2 channels and then saves it in Excel after showing it realtime.


I just received LV 2011 and decided that I should run this in 2011 and then make it an EXE file to install and be up to date with what LB I am using. When I try to open this vi in 2011, I needs approx 10 vis that it can't find. These are standard LV vis that are in the standard install of 2010 but don't seem to be in 2011.


How do I go about "importing" this vi to 2011? I did find a few of the necessary vis but they are buried everywhere so it will take som time to find them all. Is there an automatic way to do this?





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What VI's does it say you are missing?


You say they are "standard LV VI's".  But could they be part of a driver set or toolkit you didn't install with LV 2011?

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