03-23-2015 01:42 PM
Hi All,
I am using a Guppy pro F-031b camera.
I want to let it output 16bits greyscale picture, so
1st .I set my camera as Format_7 Mode_6(partial image and mono 16) by writing the register.
2nd .Then I set the IMAQ image type as grayscale(U16).
But I still got a 8bit picture. What shall I do to solve this problem?
This is the first time I work with Labview. Any help is appreciate.
Thank you,
03-24-2015 04:05 PM
Hello Plarq,
Two things:
1. Wire the "Image Name" terminal of the "IMAQ create.vi" to the "Session In" terminal of the "IMAQdx open camera.vi" (This is not related to your question, but it is a better practice).
2. Now, in regards to your issue, check the following article which I hope can be helpful:
"Can the NI-IMAQ and NI-IMAQdx driver acquire true U16 images?"
>>Daniel C.