06-03-2013 02:40 PM
It's nice that the chart gives the option of editing the limits, but as such, it's important that they work as you would expect them to.
Also - until this is addressed, is there a way to lock it against editing? Until a fix is made, my workaround is to put a transparent button over the range start & end points, and a transparent flat rectangle above all other mid-range points, and pop-up a data entry form with a Timestamp control to allow editing. Unfortunately, this doesn't work as I would expect, as typing "11 AM" in the Timestamp control over a prior value of say "10:05:34.232 AM" ends up becoming "11:05:34.232 AM" instead. ??? Another error - or is this by design? If it's by design, is there an option to make it behave as I would prefer (11 AM = 11:00:00.000 AM), as Excel behaves with timestamps? I can't help but suspect this may be linked to the chart axis issue.
Also - I just built a simplified chart modeled somewhat on my current project, and could not get this to recur. BUT... had the strangest thing happen: My sample data was generated using the Trig functions for Sine and Cosine, and at one point my waveforms distorted on the display, so I'm attaching that here plus the simplified chart project.
Last - my system is LV 2012 on Win7 Pro-x64.
06-04-2013 04:36 PM
I am not so sure that this is a bug, and I have not been able to reproduce this behavior that you are describing.
But you can lock it from editing by right-clicking on the graph and go to Properties>>Appearance>>Enabled State --> Disabled
Also, word of advice for the future: You will get more replies from the community with shorter posts and keeping it to one question per post. Summarize what the issue is, and put the detailed documentation and instructions to reproduce in the actual VI.