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Waveform chart exports different data to that plotted - Labview bug?

Hello all


If you wire double and single precision values to a waveform chart, the data will plot correctly but the exported data (right click >Export data to Excel) will contain incorrect data for the single precision value. The VI attached will show this; run it and export the data to Excel (attached screenshot shows the results). If you convert the single to a double the exported data is correct.


This may already be understood, but I couldn't find any explanations, so I thought I would post the problem in case anyone else comes across it and struggles like I did. I had assumed that the single precision data would be correctly converted to a double internally as it plots correctly.




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Hi Tarsel,


If you convert the single to a double the exported data is correct.

I can confirm the behaviour.

Workaround/solution: use just one datatype in your chart…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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