07-15-2009 02:16 PM
We are working for a tribometer stage which is supposed to run back and forth motion in a reciprocating manner for a given number of cycle and amplitude.Now our problem is we want to have a pause button which will abort the move once pressed and restart the motion when pressed again from the current position for the remaning number of cycles.While in the pause mode we should be able to move the stage to a certain specific location by using fine,medium or large button.The whole process is implemented under Pause case in the message processor loop.Now when we hit the pase button it stops the motion but it does not restart or we fine,mediuym or large buttons dont work in the pause mode.Using the probe and highlighter I found there is an error in the current error variable saying error 53677894.We often get an error message saying "Program name exists" in the message box.We also get a message saying "Buffer full" and two options appear saying "Empty?" or "Clear?".Whichever pressed restarting dont occur.
Can someone please help us to figure out how to get rid of the erro message and can have alook at our code to see if our implmentation have anything horribly wrong?
07-15-2009 02:45 PM
07-15-2009 03:15 PM
Sorry for the lack of readability of my code.There are too many local variables but we had a sample VI provided by the company and most of the local variables were implemented in that VI. Since we started with the same VI we cant really think of at this point to get rid of any local variable. I had one event structure previously with all cases implemented in the upper event structure being in the lower one.But in that cases still we had the error issues.
Our instrument is Aerotech AVS113-M-BMS-BK-NC(thats what it says in the model section of the reading).