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What am I missing about clusters?

I went back to one of my older VI's to try to clean it up using clusters. I thought I understood how to do it, but now it appears that I was wrong.

"3002D-R" is the old version; it works fine. "3002D-R cleanup test" is the attempted cleanup, and it doesn't work. The most obvious problem is that hitting the lock switch or STANDBY knob will turn the white-on-black voltage display back to 0000; I haven't played with it much beyond that, but I'm guessing I'd have a good chance of seeing other differences.

I don't understand what's wrong here, even after highlighting execution, but I'm guessing it's a property of clusters that I'm not understanding from the help files.


(The third VI is a sub-VI used in the first two.)
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Message 1 of 4
Why are you bundling the "current V"? Remove that lowe bundle element.

Message Edited by altenbach on 11-19-2007 05:48 PM
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Message 2 of 4

The problem has nothing to do with clusters. In the old version you only changed current V when the knob changed, in the cleanup one you change it after every iteration. In other words with the new one you set Current V to 0 when you go to stand by, which you didn't do with the old one.

[edit]Looks like altenbach beat me to the punch, and with pictures[/edit]

Message Edited by Matt W on 11-19-2007 07:51 PM
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Message 3 of 4

Thank you! I'm at a loss to explain why that wasn't glaringly obvious to me...

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Message 4 of 4