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What to do to hold a boolean pulse?

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I want to generate a boolean pulse and then hold this value until a new pulse, like an SCR at electronics.

I'm a very beginner labview user, so, I ask you guys to be as clear as possible. If you could send me a VI it would be great.


thank you all!

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author ManuSpadim


Well... There are a number of ways depending on what you are trying to accomplish.


If you are using a while loop then you could add a shift register on the loop border, initialize it to 0, set it in one part of the loop and reset it in another part after it's been read.


You could also put this function into a functional global variable (FGV) sub-vi. There are numerous examples and tutorials on NI's website. This could potentially give you more functionality at the expense of more complex code.


If you are using the bit as a flag to another part of the program then semaphore or notifier may be a good solution.




0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Hello Kudos.

I'm trying to understand all these tools, but, it''s been hard for me. First of all because everything I find is in english, that is not my native language.


Could you or someone else send me a VI? I Know it seems to be lazy of mine, but, beleave, I'm working hard, and it's been dificult to me.


I find lots of things, and lots of examples, but, theses things seem not to be useful to the kind of logic I need. And I only know this after to read a bible of information, what makes all this tiring. I Know, sometimes I'm close , but, I only walk around and don't get the point.


anyway, I'd like to thank you!! very much 

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Message 3 of 4

Try this for starters.  It's a very simple program.  There are two switches.  Each controls the LED beneath it.  You can view the block diagram.  Within the while loop, you don't even need the shift register, but I show it here because of the ealier posting.  Since the while loop is looping, switch two is scanned and its output is sent to the boolean2 LED.  This is the simpiliest and may be what your asking for (in a more complicated manner):smileyhappy:  I hope this helps.



Reese, (former CLAD, future CLD)

Some people call me the Space Cowboy!
Some call me the gangster of love.
Some people call me MoReese!
...I'm right here baby, right here, right here, right here at home
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Message 4 of 4