05-04-2016 10:18 PM
Where is the location of IMAQ image buffer?
The physical address that the pointer of IMAQ Create block does point to?
On the main RAM or graphic card RAM?
05-05-2016 06:16 AM
Why do you care? For what it is worth, I suspect it is PC memory, as that is a "natural" place for LabVIEW to put buffers that its drivers require.
Bob Schor
05-12-2016 01:38 PM
Hi Baran_,
Per this KnowledgeBase article, "Buffer allocations are actually managed entirely by the operating system. Although it is guaranteed that a single buffer will have a contiguous block of memory, it is unknown where corresponding buffers will be located in memory."
The article has other information that might be of interest to you, so I highly recommend checking it out. It also links to other documents and tutorials that might prove relevant.
05-17-2016 02:08 AM