04-08-2013 09:11 AM
In using the DAQmx API, I've noticed that I can't seem to find the current status of a task anywhere using NI software.
Let me explain a little more: If I build a task and populate channels programmatically, other than knowing what is there I can't place a probe somewhere and find something like "Task A has N channels" and a break down of the channels in Task A. I have tried NI I/O Trace, but it doesn't allow me to "probe" the task so that I can find what is there. Also, if I have a named task, like Task A, and something messes up in software so that Task A is not cleared, I have to restart LabVIEW to get the task pool to clear. How can I find tasks that are currently stored in memory somewhere?
Please let me know if I need to elaborate. Any help is appreciated.
04-08-2013 12:30 PM
04-09-2013 08:07 AM
Hi Nathan,
I believe the reason you can't see these tasks in LabVIEW (besides by looking at your code) is that you may have multiple VIs in memory and they might have separate tasks. However, using NI MAX you can create and configure a task and save it and then run it in LabVIEW. In MAX (Measurement and Automation Explorer) you'll be able to see a list of all the tasks as well as configure them for maximum, minimum, channels, etc.
hope this helps!
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
04-09-2013 08:22 AM
Thank you for your reply. I am very familiar with using tasks in MAX, but I am struggling with identifying what tasks are in memory after tasks have been opened programmatically. If I open a task and for some reason it is not cleared correctly, it remains in memory and cannot be closed until LabVIEW is closed. I was hoping to find a way to see, if this happens, what tasks are currently in memory so that I could account for the tasks.
04-10-2013 10:46 AM
Hi Nathan,
Are you using the clear task VI? If so nothing should be staying in memory after you close the task. I don't believe we have a utility that opens all tasks in memory because I think they should close out when you close that particular VI. When you say programmatically do you mean you are calling a VI that contains a task from another VI or do you just mean opening a VI with a task in it in LabVIEW?
04-10-2013 11:32 AM
Yes, I am using the Clear Task VI. I was worried abnormal stops if I receive an Abortable condition before being able to clear the task(s).
To create the task, I am using the DAQmx API to create the task and programatically populate the task.