05-05-2010 06:23 PM
This is going to be a general question, but I am not that familiar with Lab View.
I was called in to help support an existing application that was created a few years ago in LV 8.2.1. A computer crashed and they need me to get the system up and running. I have the .exe file and the folder it was in from the original disk. Actually there were two computers setup identically, but reading different I/O racks.
I put everything on the new computer, but the .exe doesn't access the data from the I/O. I can see the I/O and test them using Measurement & Automation browser.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
05-05-2010 08:19 PM
05-05-2010 09:10 PM
No error message that I see..
I do not have the development software.
It's an cFP-1808 communication over ethernet.
05-05-2010 09:15 PM
You might have a hard time figuring this out without source code. It's possible you really do have an error message, but the way the source code was written is suppressing any view of that error.
You say you see the hardware in MAX. Do you know if all the channels are named the same way in the new PC as the old? Do you have a copy of the .iak file you can be sure is uploaded in the new PC?