03-03-2011 09:37 PM
I am getting up to speed with a test project, and have confirmed the software is installed ok, the hardware is fine, my first vi to control a stepper motor using digital outputs from the MIO board works fine.
Test panels of the analog channels are reading perfectly.
But none of the analog example vi's work for me. Most of them load with wiring errors, arrays miswired and such, which I am able to correct, however despite getting all of the vis to run without error, I get no waveform display or analog readings other than zero.
I must be doing something wrong. In the DAQ configuration wizard I set the channel zero up for Referenced single ended, and have it wored properly, since test panels uses that configuration and those wiring terminals.
I named it analogin0 in the config utility, and then entered that name in the vi's channel constant in lieu of zero.
So far so good?
What else am I missing that allows the sample vi's to run, but not correctly interface with the analog channel?
Thanks for any insight. Probably a common newbie mistake.
Note that in order to install the older DAQ 6.1, which is REQUIRED for my older hardware, I have to remove the Labviews's newer DAQ drivers and MAX. Can I reinstall MAX somehow? That would make configuration easier, but as I understand it, MAX won;t play nice with the older DAQ 6.1?
03-04-2011 02:05 PM - edited 03-04-2011 02:06 PM
03-04-2011 02:13 PM
Thanks for the response, and I am aware you don't support the older stuff. But it is what I have, and how else to get up to speed at a reasonable cost...
It is exactly that Getting Started document you reference, I was following, when I realized I am doing something wrong with analog inputs as opposed to digital.
I ran the test panels in DAQ Configuration, the board is fine, it reads analog ok.
But for some reason the VIs don;t work, no matter which I try, even those simple VIs in the Getting Started doc.
03-04-2011 09:32 PM
Update...it works fine in Labview 6.1. Go figure.
Should I reload 7.1?
03-05-2011 03:25 AM
I do not think you need to reload 7.1 After removing all newer than NI-DAQ 6.1 stuff. Do as described here with your NI.daq 6.1 version
Then it might work. I have used an old NI-DAQ 516 running on nidaq 6.9.3 on all newer Labview versions
03-05-2011 06:12 AM
I have actually successfully installed DAQ 6.1 over Labview 6.1 and 7.1 versions, per another knowledgebase solution.
That isn't the issue. But thanks. Something is corrupted, I am going to remove and reinstall 7.1. Woudl just use LAbview 6.1 but some 7.1 features are needed.