11-15-2011 09:14 PM
I've got a VI with about 250 subVIs, and when I search them for any text, the search zooms through them all except it pauses on a particular one. The names don't matter, so I'll just use letters; alphabetical order of VIs seems to matter....
So the search is zooming through all the VIs and it pauses for 3 seconds on
I think maybe if I open sss.vi, the search will speed up since sss.vi is more likely to be in memory. With sss.vi open, the search pauses 3 seconds on
What? So maybe the VI after sss.vi is causing the problem, so I open
but the search still pauses on rrr.vi. So I open rrr.vi. Now the search pauses on
I could continue opening VIs going upstream in the alphabet, but then I'd probably have all my VIs open. I'd rather find the root cause of the pause and fix it.
Any ideas?
11-16-2011 08:12 AM
What OS? What version of LabVIEW? Is this being opened from withing a project? What's actually inside those VIs? For example, if you have script nodes (like Matlab script nodes), those may cause a slowdown. I have a VI that has close to 1000 subVIs, and I see no pause when searching for text.
11-17-2011 07:10 AM
Here's my setup, and the slowdown happens on all four computers I've tried:
OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
LabVIEW version: 2011
Opened within project: no
What's inside the VIs: The most "unusual things" are a formula node or two, a few global variables, and the "System Exec.vi" to make command line calls.
11-17-2011 07:46 AM
Does this happen with just this VI, or does this happen all the time. For example, if you opened some of the larger examples that ship with LabVIEW does the same thing happen? The key here is to isolate if this is a generic problem, or an issue with your VIs.
11-17-2011 10:31 PM
The search is almost instantaneous with LabVIEW's large .llb files. So there's something slowing my search down. Maybe I should try the "binary trim" approach where I keep chopping off half my code until I find out what's slowing it down.