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Why is my data set marking server not included in my executable?

I have a program that writes data sets to a citadel database with a data set marking I/O server.  Everything works fine in the labview environment, but when I create an executable of the program, the data set I/O server does not appear to be included.  The executable can create a database and write individual traces to it, but they are not grouped into data sets.  I have looked everywhere in the project window and in the build specifications window for the executable for a setting that would affect this, but have found nothing.  Here is a picture of the build specification window for the executable. You can see in the Project Files window the lvlib file and the included Shared Variables folder, but the data set marking server is not shown as it is in the project window above it.





The lvlib file created with the executable appears to remain in tact, because I can open it in the LV environment and see the data set I/O server included with it:


                built lvlib.JPG




Finally, here is a picture of the databases that MAX sees.  The VI in the LV environment produced the top database called C__Program_Files_National_Instruments_Labview_8_2_data with the DataSets folder, and the executable version produced the bottom database called mVROC_Database with no DataSets folder:





I'm using LV 8.2.1 and DSC module 8.2.




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Message 1 of 4



I think I understand what you are saying, but I want to ask a few clarifying questions:


  • How do you know that your I/O server is not present in the executable?  Can you see it deployed with Distributed System Manager?  It may still be getting deployed, just not logged.
  • Are you testing the executable on the development PC, or on a target PC.  If a target PC is being used, does it have LabVIEW Development Environment installed?
  • Are you configuring the Citadel logging functionality programmatically?
  • Are you receiving any errors?

Kind regards,


Drew Terry

Applications Engineer

National Instruments 

Drew T.
Camber Ridge, LLC.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Hi, Drew,


Thanks for the reply.  As I was looking into your questions above, I found that the I/O server was indeed geting included in the executable, but it was configured in the original project to look at the wrong database.  After a fair amount of playing around, I at least got it to create data sets.  However, there are some other weird things going on now.  The logged values of the variables are mismatched, or the value from say variable A shows up recorded in variable B. This stuff is all way too touchy.  Overall, I've been very dissapointed with using the DSC and database stuff. The promotional literature talks about how easy it is to use, but that is just not the case, and I've been programing in labview for about 10 years now.  Unfortunately I need to set this project asside for now so I can't investigate further, but I'll eventually get back to it. 




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Message 3 of 4



I am sorry that you are disappointed with the product.  I can speak from development experience in saying that my interaction with DSC has proven to be positive, but I can understand that you are frustrated.


When you have a chance to work on the project again, please let us know and we will work on getting things sorted for you!


Kind regards,


Drew Terry

Applications Engineer

National Instruments 

Drew T.
Camber Ridge, LLC.
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Message 4 of 4