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Why my graphs show peaks?

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I don't know if I'm going to need a new thread for this, but I'm experiencing a new issue with my graphs. I ran the program for two days and I noticed that on the second day the last measurements taken where around 5 pm of the first day. It did not record anything during the night of the morning of the second day. I hit the highlight execution button and saw that there was flow of data. Suddenly the program began to display data again. Below it can be seen how the data began as a curve then a sudden incline. If it's necessary I can upload the code; however it does have various dependencies. Still, please if anyone can help me out I will greatly appreciate it.

Data lost during run.png




0 Kudos
Message 21 of 25

Hi Jose Perez,


I'd be interested to know what your CPU and Memory Usage were when the code stopped logging data.  Are you writing the data to a file or just presenting it on a graph?  The image you attached is too small to see any details.  Can you upload a larger image?  


Jared R.
Precision DC Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 22 of 25

Hello Jared R.


I am writing data into a csv file so that I don't use the internal memory from LabVIEW in order to display the data in the graphs. I believe that this way all the measurements will be stored in a file that uses the computer's memory not LabVIEWs. LabVIEW then reads the file and displays the graph from only the specified column of the spreadsheet.


I shrunk the original picture cause it was too large for me to upload here, but I have attached it anyway since it is still larger that the one on my thread. It probably is still not big enough, but maybe it might help. I could make a run again and record the computer's CPU the moment the VI stops logging data, and let you know.







0 Kudos
Message 23 of 25

Hi Jose,


You mentioned that you are writing data to a text file and then reading it on a graph.  Is there data in the csv file for the missing time?


Alos, I'm not sure about your comments regarding the best way to store and plot data.  Are you constanly reading and writing to the file?


There is no harm in plotting the data and logging the data seperatly.




Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 24 of 25



Apparently the VI is working better, my issues are with one of the subVI's that sometimes does not read data. Comparing the memory in use while executed, the VI used a lot of its internal memory when plotting the data in one loop and logging in the other. So far I haven't gotten an error due to not enough memory. 



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Message 25 of 25