07-15-2009 10:18 AM
07-15-2009 10:51 AM
In most cases the source string of the error cluster is pointing you to the vi that threw the error.
If you chain the errors up, any properly designed SubVi will not execute their code except those that should do even if an error occures (Clear DAQmx task, Close File). This way you assure that the ressources are properly freed again. LV does a lot of this automatically for you. But consider you set an output to some 'high voltage', you want to get your program execute the code to set it back to a save level and not just stop on any (so undefined) place where the error occures.
Furthermore, not all errors are 'bad', but can be part of a normal operation (like the user might abort a file dialog or stopping a consumer loop by destroying the queue).
07-15-2009 10:51 AM
j_osh_o wrote:
Debugging for me seems faster if I leave error wires unconnected
It's true. That's why NI has this as a default option.
Allthough if you build an exe and distribute it, with manual handling is easier to find errors and important if you want your application to have a professional look. Also in many cases you don't need to show it to the user. You proccess it at the backround.
07-15-2009 11:52 AM