06-07-2011 01:40 PM
I have made a program that gets a pressure value from an external pressure gage. This signal is transferd to the PC by the COM-gate (RS232) and at the development system (The PC where I have made the application) it works great.
However if I make a executable and execute this one on a nother computer I get a communication error (the error coms out of my software, but sinces in that there is none communication)
Do I have to install a extra runtime engine to be able to acces the com gate with labview? (I have checked that I used the right COM, and the problem occured at 2 different PC's)
Please help me!
06-07-2011 02:05 PM
Are you using VISA for your RS-232 communication? If so, you need to install the VISA Run-Time on the target computers. You can download this from the NI web site. It should also be on your distribution discs. You can also include it as part of your installer.
Are you using a National Instrument serial port card/device? If so, you also need NI-Serial.
06-07-2011 02:06 PM
You need to install the VISA runtime engine.
06-08-2011 05:27 AM
Thank you for your fast reply.
I will thry this sollution tommorow.
But how can I add the module to the VI installer? (It is not, by default, on the list with modules to include in the installer)
06-08-2011 09:20 AM
They're on the Additional Installers tab: