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Won't open Labview

Any idea why I can't open labview on my laptop?


I'm on a Windows laptop and I downloaded the Windows 2024 Q1 version for both "Base, Full, Professional" (64-bit) and "Community" (32-bit), but neither of them would open. The programs are installed into the laptop, but when I try to open them, it takes to the blank loading page and then just stops the program and exits out.


I know I can't provide a lot of information here (because I'm kind of at a loss_, but is there anything anyone can think of that's causing this / how to fix it? I really need to work on labview 😞


Thank you in advance!!

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Message 1 of 7

Is this work or personal laptop? do you have any antivirus that may be blocking?

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Message 2 of 7

It's a work laptop, and I can't find any antivirus that I can find. I have Winows Security but I don't think it's blocking it.

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Message 3 of 7

Can you describe (in broad strokes) the steps that you go through?  Installing LabVIEW without any experience in doing this can be tricky.


When the process starts, you should be confronted with the NI Package Manager (called NIPM, for short).  This installs LabVIEW "packages" on your computer.  There are a lot of packages that you could install, but if you are a beginner, you should install the bare minimum, and then add a package when you need to "go to the next level".


Here (a bit from memory, so I might not have things exactly right) is how I would advise you to proceed:

  1. Start with nothing installed.  [If you have already some things installed, I would advise you to "safely remove all NI Software" (see below, there's really only one safe way to do this without risking having to reinstall Windows)].
  2. Download an installer (I'm still running 32-bit LabVIEW, as I don't have need for a huge amount of "in memory" storage).  When it starts, it should bring up NIPM.
  3. From the first screen, install LabVIEW and VIPM (the VI Package Manager, which gives you access to the LabVIEW Tools Network).  For now, you need almost nothing else on the first page except some Drivers.
  4. Under Drivers, install DAQmx (to connect to NI hardware) and VISA (to connect to serial devices.  For now, you probably don't need anything else.  VISA will let you communicate with Arduinos and other such devices that use Serial communication (typically over USB).
  5. You'll next be given a list of "additional things" to install.  Do not just click everything -- you are better off installing almost nothing else (but look and see if there are items that seem to especially complement what you've already installed and what you might be wanting to do).
  6. Now sit back and let this installation proceed.  Because you installed so little (but certainly enough to start learning LabVIEW and playing with some peripheral devices, this installation should take about 10-15 minutes.

Should you need to "Start Over", the first step should be to "undo everything", safely.  Here is my suggestion for the easiest and safest way to do this:

  1. You can only uninstall LabVIEW safely if NIPM (the Installer) is already on your system.  If you've "force-removed" it, you may need to re-image your PC and start over.  I'm assuming NIPM is still present.
  2. I recommend using Control Panel (left over from much-earlier versions of Windows, but the simplest and easiest uninstaller I've experienced).  Go to the Start menu and type "Control Panel", and it will pop up.
  3. Click "Programs and Features", which opens the Uninstaller.
  4. Go down looking for "National Instruments".  There should be two entries, one with the name "NI Package Manager", the other (probably) "NI Software".  Choose "NI Software" (you'll need Admin rights to do this).  This should open NI Package Manager, which will do the uninstall.
  5. You want to uninstall everything.  Make sure the box "Products Only" is not checked, then check the top box under the "REMOVE" button to select everything (except NIPM).  Proceed when ready.
  6. When the uninstall finishes, reboot, and repeat steps 2 and 3.  Now you should only see NI Package Manager.  Select it and ask it to remove itself.  It will ask "Are you sure?", answer "Yes".  After rebooting, do this step one more time -- sometimes more NI software appears, and can be removed.

Whew.  Good luck.  


Bob Schor

Message 4 of 7

@yippeeyay wrote:

Any idea why I can't open labview on my laptop?


I'm on a Windows laptop and I downloaded the Windows 2024 Q1 version for both "Base, Full, Professional" (64-bit) and "Community" (32-bit), but neither of them would open. The programs are installed into the laptop, but when I try to open them, it takes to the blank loading page and then just stops the program and exits out.


I know I can't provide a lot of information here (because I'm kind of at a loss_, but is there anything anyone can think of that's causing this / how to fix it? I really need to work on labview 😞


Thank you in advance!!

Just an aside, if you "really need to work on LabVIEW", it is highly likely that LV Community Edition is not for you, especially if this a work laptop.  You could run legally afoul of NI/Emerson, your work place, or both.  There are restrictions on usage; make sure your use case applies.

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Message 5 of 7

@yippeeyay wrote:

It's a work laptop, and I can't find any antivirus that I can find. I have Winows Security but I don't think it's blocking it.

If this is a "work laptop", there could be a lot of policies implemented. Have you talked to IT about it?


You said that the programs are "installed". Can we assume that you had no problems running NI package manager? If you open NIPM once more, does it correctly show what you think is installed? Can you show us a screenshot?

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Message 6 of 7

@yippeeyay wrote:

. The programs are installed into the laptop, but when I try to open them, it takes to the blank loading page and then just stops the program and exits out.

Try to open Windows Event Viewer, navigate to Application Log and check Error entries. When application "silently" closed on crash or other reason, it is logged in most cases (but not always). Anyway, just take a look.

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Message 7 of 7