08-30-2022 05:03 PM
Greetings, I have a VI on my hands and when the timestamp exports to the excel file via the Write to Measurement File function, it is off by a factor of 6 (ie after a 10 second test, the time stamp shows a change in time of 26 minutes . Is there a way to fix this or add a correcting factor to the timestamp prior to exporting the timestamp to the excel file? Thanks.
08-31-2022 12:50 AM
Hi Rhino,
generic answer: we cannot edit/debug/run images using LabVIEW, that's why we prefer real code attachments!
@RhinoCam wrote:
off by a factor of 6 (ie after a 10 second test, the time stamp shows a change in time of 26 minutes . Is there a way to fix this
Another generic answer: Don't use ExpressVIs (like Split/MergeSignals, DAQAssistent).
More specific answer: what is the timing data in the waveforms you wire to the WriteFile function?