01-18-2011 02:24 PM
I have a program that takes data from a DAQ and writes it to a new file for 1 minute every minute. Then it reads that file averages the values and write/appends that to a different "master file". The only problem is that I am recieving an output of <Not a Path> from my write to measurement file's file output terminal after a little bit of time. It starts out retuning the value in which it is saving the file to, but will then change to the error. I am using Labview2009 and have the write to measurement file creating a new file after 6000 data points have been collected (a 100 Hz signal). Attached is my code. Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks.
01-18-2011 05:09 PM
I can't tell. Your Write to Measurement File has been converted to a regular subVI which you have not attached.
What version of LabVIEW are you using?
I remember there are a couple of bugs with some relatively recent versions of LV where the Express VI would forget the path depending on how the Express VI was configured.
See this thread. http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/error-using-write-mesaurment-file-express/td-p/1057320/page/2