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Writing tags forcefully

Suppose I had kept log interval 1 hour. If the data is within the log dead band then it does not write into the historical database. Now suppose user close the application and shutdown the tag engine. Then historical data viewer will show no data from the last write.

I want to forcefully write into database programmatically whenever user close the application. I did not find any vi to do that. How can I do this.

Software - Labview PDS and LAbview DSC 6.1.


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Message 1 of 4
This new feature of logging data points when the Engine shutsdown will be available in the upcoming version of DSC (7.0).

For the time being, a crude workaround would be to use the Log Data Tag Attribute and toggle this On to Off (and back to On). This will force the logging of data at that point regardless of the deaband or data-change.

Hope this helps in the interim.



Message 2 of 4
It is good news that upcoming version of DSC had this feature.
Well I had tried toggling log data attribute but it does not work
When we set logging off all the data from last wirte to till we make logging off is lost (I maen it show no data during the duration) and when we turn logging on then also it wait till the the max log duration or the value changing more then log deadband.
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Message 3 of 4
I am wondering if and how is NOW possible to force writing the value of a shared variable in the Citadel database without regard to deadband value specification (I am using DSC).
I need to "stamp" in the database the value at certain time of an analog set-point, just before changing it to a new value; I need to have self explainatory data in historical recordind, so is clear that a set point stayed constant up to a certain time and changed as a step at a defined time.

I see that in Measurement Explorer graphical tools there is a way to graph historical data that allow to see step-changing values as happening as a step at the change of the value. Is this possible also inside LabView ?
This couls at least resolve a part of the problem (visualization of the change in a graph), but not the "stamping".

Tank you for helping
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Message 4 of 4