01-18-2011 02:07 PM
Need Help. Searched most everything, but could not find a close example of what I need.
I'm trying trying to plot flow, pressure, etc (Y) vs current (X), in real time. I can plot single variables of flow (Y) vs pressure (X) without issue. I have a chart that shows current, pressure, flow, etc. vs time. The chart works real well and I can turn on and off the channels I need.
I basically, need to be able to do the same on X-Y plots as I can on the chart, where I can choose which Y variable I want to show when I turn the channels on/off. I've seen examples of X-Y plots outside a While Loop, but not many within. I believe it's an issue of bundles or arrays to get the X and Y data in the proper orientation for plotting. But I'm not sure how I need to arrage the data to plot correctly.
Thanks Rob.
01-19-2011 03:24 PM - last edited on 10-04-2024 03:21 PM by Content Cleaner
Hi Rob,
Have you considered using something besides the Build XY Graph Express VI? You can certainly accomplish what you're trying to do, but I don't think you can do it with that function. If you look in the "Displaying Multiple Plots on XY Graphs" section of the Types of Graphs and Charts Help file, you'll see references to some examples that demonstrate how do this. Good luck!