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XML Read and Write


   I am trying to write a simple string in .xml format and read it. I am able to write properly but reading is not happning. I have attached both the codes. Kindly verify and let me know some solution ASAP.

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Message 1 of 3

1. Why are you saving passwords in an XML file?  That just lacks security in every possible way.

2. Are you trying to save multiple passwords to the file?  If so, you need to use the XML Parser palette to search for the password you want to read or write or add to the file.

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Message 2 of 3

Your code is writing a simple string to an XML file format.  The XML input to the write VI must be formatted XML using the Flatten to XML VI.  You then need the Unflatten from XML on the other end using a schema or specific data format.

Michael Munroe, CLD, CTD, MCP
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