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about buffer size and the number of output samples

Hi all,

  I am configusing the output buffter of 600 size but I am writing only 500 samples to it. When I start the task, will it output 500 samples or all 600 with the last 100 samples undefined?


Is it possible that I write 500 samples of value 1.5 to the buffer and write 100 samples of value 3 to the buffter so total 600 samples written to the buffter. But I want separate the output into two phrase. When I start the task, only the first 500 samples outputed and pause the task. Wait about 2 seconds, the task resumed and keep outputing the last 100 task. Is it possible to do that in DAQmx? Thanks.

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Would it be possible for you to share a snippet of your code so that I can better understand how you are configuring your code? Also, which device are you using (since you said you were using DAQmx)?


For snippets:




Brandon V.

Applications Engineer

National Instruments 

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