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absolute time between two sets of switches



I am trying to write a VI that will find the time difference between two sets of switches. I have attached what I currently have which only gets the time for one set of switches.


What I am trying to include in my VI includes inputing data from two different ports and finding the resulting time difference. The two sets of switches go into different ports on the usb. The starting switches are in port 2 whereas the stoping switches are in port 1. Switch one from the first set should start the timer and switch one from the second set should stop the timer. And this logic continues for the remaining sets. Switch 2 from the first set starts the time and switch 2 from the second set stops the timer...All six switches are completely independant so they can stop in any order.


I was also wondering how to just have the absolute time from start to stop in hrs/min/sec? And then how to I write the resulting 6 times in hrs/min/sec to a spreadsheet?


Thanks so much for your help! I apologize for my simple questions! I am new to labview and computer programming in general.

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Message 1 of 2
Please don't start a new thread with the same question.  I already gave you an answer in the original thread.
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Message 2 of 2