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add marker in waveform graph

Well guys, I have my graph, and my X-scale is 1sec
I want to add 10 markers on that
each marker in 100ms!
How can I make that?
I know how to add marker, but I have to add it with mouse... so don't help me with that
since I need some precision!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

You can change the x-coordinate in the cursor legend like in a control.


you could also use the properties from graph to set a cursor. There you can programatically generate the appropriate x-values at once.





0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

Well, I didn't understand!

I have a cluster with a graph, and in this graph the X-scale is 1sec

I show the 1sec in my screen but I only want to add some markers in this X-scale

Because I have a number that indicates me where I have to look on the graph[



My samples are 3600

so, if my index show me 1800, I have to look at the middle of the graph

or if it show a number like 2255, I know that this number is from right of the middle

but I want to put some marker to can look better, and don't waste my time searching for it!


My graph is like that:



14:32:00                                                            14:32:01


And I want something like that:



14:32:00   100ms  100ms  100ms  100ms  100ms  100ms  100ms  100ms 14:32:01


Something like that, its possible make it?

because I only know add markers clicking at the graph and add marking, but I need precision in this markers!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10



When I read marker I started thinking of cursors...


If you edit the marker value on the x-scale and the marker will move to the respective position. If you have selected uniform markers Labview will add additional markers if necessary.


Hope this helps



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

I'm not certain that I know what you're looking for, but this might contain something useful to you.  The first property sets the format of the X axis as you described and the second sets the one-second range you mentioned.  Perhaps you could post a picture of what you're trying to do?










You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. ~ Alice
For he does not know what will happen; So who can tell him when it will occur? Eccl. 8:7

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

Well the marker spacing is arbitrary

and I tryed put a marker and then edit the value but when I did it.. the marker desapear.


My X-scale is 1sec

and I wanna put 10 markers in 1sec

like one marker in 100ms

another one in 200ms

something like that 


I tryed this:


12:31:00 is the beggining of the scale, so I add a marker and edit to: 12:31:00:100 and the marker disapear

I tryed put 100ms too, and desapear too.


So I don't know x(

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10
Have you enabled autoscale X-axis?, if yes, try disabling it.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10
Try a dot (or Komma): 12:31:00.100 or 12:31:00,100 depending on the decimal separator of your operating system.
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

Vsh, I can't disable X auto scale, because I use real time and I need it to show the correct time when I recorded.


Jorn, I tryed with komma and dot, also desapear when I change x(

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

Well guys, Thanks for the help but I already find the problem here!



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Message 10 of 10