02-18-2012 04:11 PM
I am trying to run an example VI found on http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/2831. It is asking for several controls that are Analog addons for the Modulation toolkit. I have the Modulation toolkit 4.3 and am running LabVIEW 2011 Student Edition. Can anyone tell me where to find the Analog addons?
These are the ones being requested:
<vilib>:\addons\Modulation\Analog\support\Complex Data Waveform.vi
<vilib>:\addons\Modulation\Analog\support\Validators\mod_Validate Complex Waveform.vi
<vilib>:\addons\Modulation\Analog\deprecated\MT Fractional Resample.vi
<vilib>:\addons\Modulation\Analog\support\mod_Complex FFT (Mag-Phase).vi
02-21-2012 03:29 PM
Hi Taylor,
These VIs should appear in the vi.lib folder tree you referenced (within the Labview program files). For instance, here's the location of the 'mod_Complex FFT (Mag-Phase).vi' on my system (with LV 2011 and Modulation Toolkit 4.3.2):
One note - 'Complex Data Waveform' is a .ctl, not a vi, and it's located in the controls folder. If these folders are not appearing properly, you may want to repair your installation of modulation toolkit.
All the best,
James M || Applications Engineer || National Instruments