09-23-2010 05:22 PM
Hi David,
It looks like your VI is referring to a Type Def. that you haven't included. Please post the Annotations Default.ctl, so that the code is executable.
09-24-2010 12:21 PM
Hi Jared,
I just posted that, must have crossed posts. Check the message immediately preceding.
David J.
10-04-2010 02:34 PM
It does look like there may be a problem that has cropped up in 2010. I'm seeing the same thing that you are. I'll have to investigate this a little further to see what might be the cause.
10-04-2010 03:36 PM
Hi Jared,
Yes I've actually opened a ticket on this issue, and it is in work. #7299235. The thinking currently (last I heard) is there will be a fix in sp1, workaround in the meantime is to use a vi built in lv 2009, which we do have.
David J.
10-05-2010 11:43 PM
Glad to hear that you were able to get a workaround for this.
02-14-2012 08:40 AM
OK, I have read this thread and also this one. But I am still confused.
What are the units for LABEL OFFSET?
I would expect it to the be the same units as the axes of the graph. But its not. And it does not appear to be consistantly applied. Could someone give me a quick explaination?
I am using LV2011 and a Waveform graph. My X scale is a time scale. I just want to programmatically place my text so that its not directly on top of the crosshair.
02-15-2012 07:33 PM
Hi Josborne,
The LABEL OFFSET uses the same units as the axis of the graph, as demonstrated in the example VI "Programmatically Annotate a Graph.vi" posted by MeghanK found in http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Annotation-Label-Offset-Explanation/td-p/619223 (the thread you linked in your post). Does this not work the same for you?
02-21-2012 10:47 AM
Sorry. Looks like it does work as expected. For some reason, I was misunderstanding. But I am glad that someone clarified that the units are in the same as the X-scale.
Problem solved.