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average for time period



I have been asking quite a few questions here lately, and I must say that the help that I have got has been excellent! I was therefore hoping that you guys could help me out with this one as well!


The problem:

I'm importing a dataset from Notepad and to an array in LabView. The dataset contains three columns: one for date, one for time and one for speed (see picture). I then need to find the lowest average, not for the enitre speed column, but for the speed column during a given time period. The time period should be specified by the user from the front panel (see picture 2), using a numeric control (should only be possible to specify whole hours). From picture 2 this will mean that I want to find the two-hour period that gives the lowest average for the speed column.


Just to clearify: The time between the samples are not evenly distributed, so its not possible to loop through a certain number of data points.




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Message 1 of 6

I think this could help you.

if you shared some data maybe i could run it to test it (?) or try it yourself 😉 

good luck. file is in LV 2010

Message 2 of 6



I guess that gives me a push in the right direction!:)) I have attatched a short sample data, and would really appriciate it if you could do some testing (I'll do some on my own too)!


Just a few quick questions: I get a problem when trying to connect the "lower data limit" to the "less or equal" block in the for-loop, as well as the "upper date limit" to the "greater" block in the same loop. My data is originally a string, but i have converted it to number (with the "decimal string to number" block), and apparently this will not work. Any workaround for this problem?:)




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Message 3 of 6

Of course, forgot to upload the data!:p

Message 4 of 6

Don't want to push you, but have you got it working? Because I haven't yet..

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Message 5 of 6

no, not really, i cant promise i will have time for it either.


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Message 6 of 6