05-05-2013 01:13 PM
I have created the following circuit in Labview, I have connected up NI myDAQ with an infrared phototransistor connected. The plan is to make a burglar alarm so that when the voltage is less than say 1.1V or greater than say 1.12V the alarm goes off. But when this happens, although the LED's light up the beep.vi does nothing. I have had the beep.vi working in other files but can't get it to work in this one. Can anyone help please?
05-05-2013 01:22 PM
You didn't make a "circuit". You made a block diagram.
You should use the In Range and Coerce function to determine if a value is inside or outside of a range. That is a single function rather than 2 functions.
Have you tried using the Beep function by itself in its own VI to know that it works? What OS are you using?
05-05-2013 01:23 PM
Which input of beep did you wire with the dynamic data and what's does the wire contain? (none of the inputs to beep seem to be really sutable for such inputs)
When using express VIs and dynamic data, the functionality is way to hidden to tell much from a diagram picture. Please attach the actual VI.
05-05-2013 03:10 PM
I'm very new to Labview so I'm not really sure how it works so please excuse me if i say anything stupid.
How would I use the beep function on its own. I'm using windows 7.
05-05-2013 03:15 PM
I've used the "use system alert" input, I thought that when the input is 1 it would be true and the beep would make a sound and when the input was 0 it would be false and there would be no sound.
05-05-2013 03:16 PM
Actually, I think I have got the beep function working in another vi.
05-05-2013 03:34 PM
You put the beep function in a case structure.
05-06-2013 09:32 AM
I find that when I stop it after it has been running the computer makes a noise, but I want it to make a noise while it is running. The same thing happens when I put a case structure around the beep.vi
05-06-2013 09:35 AM
@michaelclewis92 wrote:
I find that when I stop it after it has been running the computer makes a noise, but I want it to make a noise while it is running. The same thing happens when I put a case structure around the beep.vi
As already mentioned, please attach your actual VI!
05-06-2013 09:50 AM
How do i change it to the actual VI?