07-06-2009 06:42 AM
07-06-2009 11:35 AM
07-06-2009 01:16 PM
07-06-2009 02:38 PM
07-06-2009 05:07 PM
I'm afraid it's a bit tricky to post an example vi as its part of a larger library. However, I do have a screenshot and you can download the code from http://code.google.com/p/lavacr/source/browse/#svn/trunk/8.6.x/Rusty%20Nails/VI%20Scripting/Scriptin... (this is part of the LAVAG Code Repository subversion archive).
The obviously sub-optimal code is around the inplace structure. Note that the code cleanup broke after I stretched the diagram, inserted the two tunnel property nodesand the inplace structure.
For the curious, the code (which is perfectly functional, just not as pretty as it could be) will programmatically create a case structure, populate the cases and set the case insensitive flag for the selector.
10-08-2009 03:47 AM
Hi Gavin,
Just wanted to inform this problem has been fixed in LabVIEW 2009.
09-27-2011 03:20 PM
It seems to be back (broken) in 2010 SP1.