03-19-2014 04:36 AM
hi everyone, My v.i calls a matlab script by use of system Exec.vi...this script then calls other matlab files(scripts and functions)..however,when i write keyboard in matlab so as to insert a break point and carry out a step by step analysis of the matlab files,matlab doesn't stop at keyboard ....I would like to know if there's just something am doing wrong and if not,if there are other alternatives for putting break points so as to carry out a step by step debug session..thank you in advance
03-20-2014 05:18 AM
Hi alpony01,
When you use System exec.vi you call an external application and the related problems are not refer to National instruments software.
However, you can use che MATLAB script structure and paste the Matlab code.
you can find it in Functions palette -> Mathematics -> Script and Formulas -> Script Node -> MATLAB Script
In the links below you can find additional information: