12-10-2013 03:08 AM
Hi everybody i'm a new user of labview i want to create a program that help me to acquire data using sensor (humidity and temperature) that can adjusting the operation of an automatic irrigation system of tomato and i want to help me please in creation of labview interface that can acquire data from these sensors (humidity:HIH-4000-001(between 60% and 80%) and temperature:Pt100(between(20°C and 25°C)) and thanks for help
12-10-2013 03:17 AM - edited 12-10-2013 03:38 AM
Do you use a DAQ or serial.
I changed your vi so it's understandable, though I don't think it works like you intended
12-10-2013 04:48 AM
thanks it's useful i'm using myDaq so i tnink that i will use daqmx and what's the code use to make decision and with what language and how i will integrate it ?
12-10-2013 05:20 AM
Look at the example from NI I attached.
The first three subvi's need to be placed before you while loop, the read function in your while loop and the others behind as illustrated.
Don't forget to use index array over the data output, you are reading two signals!
Hope this will help, just ask if there are any problems.
12-13-2013 02:48 AM
thank you very much i tried so hard to get positif results but i need a program with language that i can integrate in labview to make these decisions automatically so please if you can elaborate me a program without ( if ) so i need to use maybe (loop) or other instruction i'm waiting for your help it will be so usefull for me and thanks in advance 🙂
12-13-2013 03:26 AM
I included the DAQ function, you just have wire it to the indicator you like.
If there is any other problem just ask.
12-13-2013 05:38 AM
LabVIEW seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut for this task. A £20 Arduino and a £5 combined temp/humidity sensor would give you a much smaller/more elegant solution to this IMO. Bung in a £10 LCD and you have a gucci little unit.
05-17-2014 04:22 AM
Hello every body i need help about the vi that i download in this conversation it dosen't work with the sensor LM35 when i connect it to Ni mydaq i don't know where is the problem exactly because when i connect sensor and i use vi (just an example for demonstration) that read only the LM35 sensor it work perfectly please i just want to know why this vi dosen't work ?
05-17-2014 10:17 AM