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I am getting an communication error while running my VI and I am using cRIO-9022 to control stepper motor and after programing when I click the run button it takes some time for complilation and on complition of compilation it shows complilation is succesfully followed by an error code 310601 mentioning comunication error and VI doesn't work after that. Also I m getting the same issue with NI ELVIS DIGITAL FPGA board. Please go through the attachment for details info.

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Message 1 of 29



 As the error mentions, make sure with the ELVIS setup, all the cables are properly inserted into place and working. With the cRIO, try to format the cRIO and reinstall software on it. This looks like a software corruption issue only. Can you check with the cRIO if simple example programs are compiling ?



AE, NI India

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Message 2 of 29

I have tried with a simple program only after formating and reinstalling of software in cRIO and when I click on the run button on the VI its start compiling the code and after successfull  complition of the compilation it was generating this error.

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Message 3 of 29



 Is the same error occring with the ELVIS and the cRIO ?



AE, NI India

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 29

Also, can you try and compile the code on another computer which has LabVIEW software installed ? Is the same behavior observed there as well ?



AE, NI India

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 29

Yes the type of error was same but only the code was different and we are running cRIO and elvis FPGA on 2 different PCs and also we have tried different version of labVIEW but end up with the same error code.

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Message 6 of 29

Even we have tried 2 different cRIO also to make sure that there is no issue within the cRIO itself.

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Message 7 of 29



 So if I am not wrong, you have tried with 3 cRIOs, one ELVIS on two computers with different versions of LabVIEW installed. In all these cases, the same error is coming up while compiling an FPGA code. Correct ? Can you paste screenshots of all variants of the error here ? If you do not run an FPGA VI, are you facing any issues ?


When you say you tried with two different versions of LabVIEW, can you mention which versions were these, and what was the serial number of these softwares ? Also, are you by any chance in touch with National Insturments support team for this as well ?


AE, NI India

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 29

Let me make it more clear to you........I have connect the cRIO 9022 with chassis 9116 and connect the complete divice with my computer using ethernet cable. After that i have open MAX and successfully able to established connection between cRIO 9022 and my computer and i am also successfully able to format the controller and reinstall the software into it and things are going preety good still now. After that when i open the project explorer and create a new project and trying to discover the existing system that is the controller then also I was successfull to deploy the controller and connect it with the project wizard to make it online......after adding the controller into my project when I tried to further connect the chassis and try to add it into my project then it was not available in the discover existing item and if i add it using new target item then while deplyoing i.e while trying to connect it with the project then it was generating some error showning that the controller get offline.........I am here by sending you the snap shot of the complete event........please find fine the attachment.

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Message 9 of 29

please find the attacment

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Message 10 of 29