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can 10000 sample per second can be acuire from a sensor through cRIO

I just want to know, can I acure 10000 smaple (when the programme run in real time) per second per chanel or more, when data taking from a sensor, through the cRIO.   

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Message 1 of 5

Using the FPGA of the compact rio and doing DMA FIFO buffer transfers its no problems.


Polling the daq hardware with LVRT usually works up to 1kHz before the CPU loses its steam.





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Message 2 of 5

Can I apply this method in simulation loop. Where I want make my control algorithm. 

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Message 3 of 5

@Bikash wrote:

Can I apply this method in simulation loop. Where I want make my control algorithm. 

It sounds like a perfect application for your needs. Remember to buy powerful hardware not having to worry about the performance.


Or something similar performance with a PXI solution.





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Message 4 of 5

We have cRIO 9081 and Labview 2012, Can we write data xls format in the hardisk of the host computer during real time application? How can I transfer data form cRIO to host computer?



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Message 5 of 5