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can i execute the testing of adevice by using jtag on labview



i am trying to use the jtag for testing the device. but i dont know how to use labview for executing the jtag testing.

so can you please guide towards my work.



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Message 1 of 16

It depends on the JTAG application package you use. Most of them provide a dll interface to execute tests.

So you basically develop your tests in the JTAG package and use the dll to run it. Here is an example from JTAG technologies:

CLA CTAChampionI'm attending the GLA Summit!
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Message 2 of 16

Hello sir

I want to test my pcb bords ( it have arm9 processor)with jtag .so what the steps & connections are need to me  to test it functionalety plz...........give the solution........


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 16

Hello sir

I want to test my pcb bords ( it have arm9 processor)with jtag .so what the steps & connections are need to me  to test it functionalety plz...........give the solution........

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 16

@vanr wrote:

Hello sir

I want to test my pcb bords ( it have arm9 processor)with jtag .so what the steps & connections are need to me  to test it functionalety plz...........give the solution........

I assume you are the test engineer.  Those are details that *you* need to work out.  Let us know when you get to the LabVIEW part and I'm sure everyone will be more than willing to help here.

(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 16


   I want  to test the pcb present we are testing pcb bords by using NI labview 8.5 .in my company products

There is to different boards analog boards and digital boards we test this two separatively and attached that two boards to work .In testing analog boards we measure electric parameters and functional parameters ,in digital boards we test the functional parameters .while measuring functional parameters we are keeping digital board constant and test the analog boards. vice-verse.(this work is doing with help of jigs,daq,and using serial port to read the data).and now my problem is to test the functional parameters to the boath the boards separatively( analog and digital boards) its taking long time (20 mints).so I want reduce that testing time plz give me solution..........



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 16

@vanr wrote:


   I want  to test the pcb present we are testing pcb bords by using NI labview 8.5 .in my company products

There is to different boards analog boards and digital boards we test this two separatively and attached that two boards to work .In testing analog boards we measure electric parameters and functional parameters ,in digital boards we test the functional parameters .while measuring functional parameters we are keeping digital board constant and test the analog boards. vice-verse.(this work is doing with help of jigs,daq,and using serial port to read the data).and now my problem is to test the functional parameters to the boath the boards separatively( analog and digital boards) its taking long time (20 mints).so I want reduce that testing time plz give me solution..........



Give you a solution???
That is your job as a test engineer. Are you getting paid to ask others to do your job for you?


Message 7 of 16

hello sir...


I am not a employ sir I am a student . I am doing my project .In part of that I ask you a solution sir.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 16
You ask for a solution but a solution is impossible to provide with so little information. Nobody but you knows what these two different pcb's are, what they do, their specs, how you are testing them now, what test equipment you have, etc. You asked about jtag and all you say is the type of micro that you have. Was the board designed with doing jtag on the whole assembly? Do you have any experience with jtag?
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 16

@vanr wrote:

hello sir...


I am not a employ sir I am a student . I am doing my project .In part of that I ask you a solution sir.

So, it is okay to ask for someone to do your school project for you ????

At my university that is grounds for explusion since it an ethics violation.






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Message 10 of 16