If I understand you right, you want a boolean switch that has two mechanical actions depending on where it is pressed.
You want a latch action if pressed in the upper part and a switch action if pressed in the lower part.
This cannot be a simple control and would need some extra logic on the block diagram. You should be able to do this using a picture control. Simply sense where the image has been clicked, then switch image and boolean state accordingly.
Another possibility would be to make two rectangular buttons arranged vertically. Make the upper one latch action and the lower one switch action. Now import the desired images in the true and false states of each and make sure the images of the two buttons line up to give the appearance of one large switch extending over both buttons. Now add some logic on the diagram to get the desired output. (Real output is the OR of the two buttons, pressing the upper button while the lower one is on shoud turn the lower one off, etc.)