04-22-2019 08:33 AM
wow ufaruque123 you solve the problem that I can display 'transparent' by un-check the Decal!
04-22-2019 08:35 AM
OK, this is really weird. I did locate two older LabVIEW versions, LabVIEW 2012 and LabVIEW 2014. I tried putting a square LED on both, and making it Transparent. When I did this, it seemed to turn Transparent and then back to Dark Green, so I changed it again to transparent and it stayed Transparent. When I tried to repeat this, it stayed Transparent. I must confess "I don't get it", but the word "Bug!" (and maybe "This sounds familiar ...") are rattling around in my head.
I'll repeat my advice -- find a newer version of LabVIEW (see a friend or colleague) and open your program with the newer version. Replace the Square LED and see if the new one's Properties are any better. I'll report back if I find out more ...
Bob Schor
04-22-2019 08:47 AM
Congratulations to ufaruque123 (and good timing -- I was about to call this in to NI and say "Hey, what's going on here?") -- saved me from embarrassing myself.
Bob Schor