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I am electronics engineer with specialization in embedded system I had attended one day workshop on labview in pune university

from which I am very much impress and motivated to develop my career in labview. Through Internet I came to know about Alliance partner ship

Please any one can provide me guidance to develop a professional career in labview and work as labview alliance partnerships.Please suggest me some good reference 

books for beginners in labview I want to become a expert in labview programming I am good in C programming think this will be beneficial to grasp good understanding in labview.

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Message 1 of 6

They have the self paced online courses, and you can take Labview Core I Core II FPGA Core III Real time, and some other courses through one of their partners.  Here in Houston where I live, we have Optimation that my work goes through for NI training.


You can start here



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Message 2 of 6

Thanking you  very much for answering my Question. I would like to ask how long will it take for beginner to become expert and worked as Alliance partner is it necessary to clear CLAD to become Alliance partner. Please tell me any text book also


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Message 3 of 6

Hi Salmi,


you can go for LabVIEW core1 and core 2 course manual and LabVIEW for everypne graphical programming made easy by jeffrey travis, Jim kring, these are good sources for beginner, and for more knowledge about Alliance partner you can visit the following link.

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Message 4 of 6

As you can see, the requirement is to be at least a CLD. I think at least one member of a prospective alliance partner has to have this certification. I suppose it is possible to learn enough LabVIEW through classes and books but in my opinion, you really should build up some real world experience before you attempt to sell yourself as a LabVIEW expert. 

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Message 5 of 6

@salmi wrote:

Thanking you  very much for answering my Question. I would like to ask how long will it take for beginner to become expert and worked as Alliance partner is it necessary to clear CLAD to become Alliance partner. Please tell me any text book also


I might be able to add some insight here.  (click the sig lineSmiley Wink)


There are requirements for becoming an NI Alliance partner.  They are briefly explained in the links provided by others

You will need at least a "Developer" level NI certification and sponsorship of an NI representative. 


Dennis mentioned some real world experience would be helpful.  It is mandatory!  There is no substitute for a history of delighted customers using solutions delivered to specification and under budget if you want to creditably promote yourself as an expert.  (Seriously, I do NOT claim to be a LabVIEW "Expert" but, I do claim to have delighted client's delovering LabVIEW based solutions.  There is just no end to learning when you are doing!)


Book learning and intimate knowledge of the LabVIEW enviornment should lead to understanding of best practices for programming in LabVIEW and, the best practices for your clients needs.


Happy clients will build your reputation.  Enjoing learning about whatever you do will build happy clients.



"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 6 of 6