Hi elkag,
I'm not sure what you mean when by "when you turn off the vi". Please let me know if my answer is not addressing your question, thanks.
Let me explain the reason for the following statement:
"If waveform data is being written the chart, you will not be able to create a constant. Instead: Right-click on the property and select Create » Control. Go to the Front Panel and right-click on the newly created control. Select Advanced » Hide Control."
The reason that it's recommended to create a
control when dealing with Waveform Data type, is that there currently doesn't exist a Waveform Data
contant. Of course you can programmatically create your Waveform using the 'Build Waveform' function and three constants, but this is not as easy as simply creating a control and hiding it.
Regarding your issue with the Dynamic Data type, please submit a simple VI that shows the issue you are struggling with. That would help us being able to help you.
- Philip Courtois, Thinkbot Solutions