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compact rio dev system repair / install

My CompactRIO development PC has fallen over, with the message The plug-in for the selcted item is not installed on your system.  It appears I've lost the C-Module support for the 4 modules pluged into my crio-9103 chassis.  My first attempt at recovery was to select the repair option in add/remove software to repair LabVIEW 8.2, then RIO21, then patch RIO210f1, as per instructions
I've also noticed CompactRIO remains missing from MAX, even after repeating the installations of the above.   Next, I figure I should try a complete un-install of everything, followed by a complete re-install, but I'm desperate for a quicker fix if anyone can help?  I'm also keep to figure out what has caused the problem, I have LV6.1, LV7.0, LV7.1 & LV8.2 installed on the PC, the error occured after I opened some older code in LV8.2 that had broken links to the analysis dll (Ivanlys.dll).
Screen dumps attached as .jpg
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Message 1 of 2
Hi bmann2000,

To get around the installation issue you are seeing, we would normally recommend a reinstall at this point, due to the dependancies between all of the software components that we offer. However you can also get around this error if you can upgrade to a later driver.

Please can you download and install NI-RIO 2.1.3.

NIUK and Ireland

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