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comparing time delay in labview and labwindows

Hi all,

  I have a code developed in labview 2011. In which I need time delay to 5ms to 100ms. I know that without real time system, it is almost not possible to have the time delay precisely controlled in personal computer. But I have a quick question regarding the mutlithreading mechanism in labview programming. In my code, I don't really need multithreading but I think in labview unless we specify to use something like flat sequency block to control the dataflow, all other code blocks will be run in parallel. So will the multithreading have some sideeffect on time controlling so to make it even harder to have 'precise' time delay? I just switch to labwindows/CVI from labview not long ago. I figure out that CVI doesn't use multithreading in default, so any one has any experience will it be better to control time delay in CVI? Thanks.

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Message 1 of 2

Your question has nothing to do with multithreading.


You simply need to establish correct execution order using dataflow and datadependencies to prevent the wait to run in parallel to the code that should execute after the delay.

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