10-17-2013 10:57 PM
You are just throwing about a bunch of strings that have no connection to anything else you are saying.
Since your friend seems to be getting the values you want, I just you talk to him and have him help you figure it out. Or at least have him write up a clear question to post in this thread. Something that shows what string you are starting with (and whether that is "normal" or "hex" display on the front panel) and what you want it converted to (and whether that is "normal" or "hex" display).
@ikaloopy wrote:
is it still not making sense. im confuse the binary form in math with this form as u said it is binary string already.
What you don't have is a "binary string". A binary string would be a bunch of 1's and 0's. I don't know why you'd say "you (that is a complete word) said it is a binary string already". Altenbach never, ever said "binary string".
10-17-2013 11:07 PM
the 227225202026204D62214864224366 is the hex string right?
the 60025205000006002D42012844022346 value i get is from calculation which in the form of hexadecimal.
my concern is. i dont know what this 60025205000006002D42012844022346 in the form of what string in labview. as u could convert it to hex string may i ask u how do u do that?
if my friend is willingly to help me then i never bother to ask u.
im confuse with this post? how did i have binary string which i know only consists of 1`s and 0`s.
10-17-2013 11:30 PM
@ikaloopy wrote:
the 227225202026204D62214864224366 is the hex string right?
Seems like it. You have digits from 0-9 and a D in there. So it seems like hex characters.
the 60025205000006002D42012844022346 value i get is from calculation which in the form of hexadecimal.
From what calculation? I don't get that from the HexStringtoBinaryString.vi. I'd argue that is poorly named because it gives you a string of ASCII characters, not a binary string.
my concern is. i dont know what this 60025205000006002D42012844022346 in the form of what string in labview. as you could convert it to hex string may i ask you how do you do that?
I have no idea. Your second string also looks like a hexadecimal string since it as the letter D in it. But I don't see any correlation between your two strings. Why do you think one should convert to the other?
if my friend is willingly to help me then I never bother to ask you.
I'm confused with this post? how did I have binary string which I know only consists of 1`s and 0`s.
So he is willing to tell you that he is right and your result is wrong. But won't help you figure out why? Doesn't sound like much of a friend.
Okay. So altenbach did use the phrase "binary string". But I'd argue that isn't exactly the correct phrasing. I'd call it a string of binary data. He means it in the sense of a series of bytes, already in a string data type, that is already "binary data". It is the difference between having a value such as 255 decimal being saved as a single byte, and would show up as FF, as opposed to showing up as 3 characters "2" "5" "5" (a decimal string), or 2 characters "F" "F", (a hexadecimal string), or 8 characters, all "1", (a binary string).
As you can see, sometimes the terminology can be confusing, and when values are written out in a message, is hard to tell what is the underlying data (is 255 the value of a single byte, or is 255 a value that is being shown as 3 bytes).
Until you can adequately explain what you are trying to do, with examples that actually have anything to do with each other, we can't help.
10-17-2013 11:32 PM
In this context, It is a string that may also contain unprintable characters. It is a raw string where all 256 possible bytes can occur. (Nothing to do with a "binary formatted" string).
Do you fully understand my LabVIEW program posted in this thread?
10-18-2013 12:31 AM
i think i understand it now as u did not get that value from the string of 60...but from the answer i provided..thank you.