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 Hello. I have a board BNS-2111. There no counter output on its framework, but there is inside. So if I solder my own output to the necessary terminal, will it work in counter rejime?

 Another question. Using my friend's board in counter rejime I put DAQ-assistant in LabView onto block diagram into to 1 For-Loop and output data into the 1D-array. I have had something like that (3,5,9,15,18,...). How can I correct my program to have number of counts for every step, i.e. to have in output smth like that (3,1,9,3,6,7,...)

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Message 1 of 5

Hello ArtStr,

I don't think you would be able to simply solder an output connector to a terminal to make a counter output. Could you explain what you were trying to solder to?


To your last question, within software, you could simply subtract the current count from the previous count so 5-3=2 , 9-5=4 , etc.

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Message 2 of 5

Thanks for answer for the las question.

 About the first problem: there are many terminals (68), but not all ones have outputs (only 24). A day ago a made an output soldering to the necessary terminals (counter and digital ground) and my counter began to work!

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Message 3 of 5

Hm... can you help me with this problem: how to change an array from for ex. (1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9) to (0,1,2; 3,4,5; 6,7,8), i.e. how to convert array A(n,k) to B(n,k)=A(n,k+1), where B(1,1)=B(n last, k last)=0 ?

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Message 4 of 5

Interesting. I'm glad the user-created counter output works for you. I assume you are using all of your PFI lines already? If not you can always internally route your counter to a PFI line within LabVIEW. For your 2nd question I would recommend making a new forum post dedicated to that issue.

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Message 5 of 5