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create signal from labview

Hi. I'm new on labview and i've a question.

I have to test a program that i write in Visual Studio (C#) that use the National Instruments NiDaq USB version.

The Nidaq is link to a big machine that i can't put inside my office, so i think to emulate it with a 6212 virtual device.

Now i ask you: is possible to create signal using labview to simulate an input on my virtual nidaq, and read this input on my C# program?


Thanks a lot



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Message 1 of 4

Not really. Besides, you don't need to do this. DAQmx has the capability of creating virtual devices. Just open up Measurement and Automation Explorer and create a new simulated 6212 DAQmx device.

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Message 2 of 4

Thanks for the reply! i've search this funtionality on Mesuraments and automation, but i don't find it, and the only signal that can be put as virtual input is the default sine wave with noise.


Is possible to change signal, or write by myself an equation to simulate a signal?



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

You need to install DAQmx in order to be able to use the DAQmx functions. DAQmx should be on your Device Drivers discs. If you don't have it, you can download it for free from the NI site.

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Message 4 of 4