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Iam using cwgraph3D in my Vi.  The Apllikation(exe) is running well on some PCs but on some others the CWgrap3D is not loaded.

The Vi is runnning without any problems only  the CWGraph3D is not loaded.

Error message that is showed in the Front panel " Element konnte nicht geladen werden".`

What do i have to do to fix this?


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Message 1 of 2
Accepted by topic author ckoch

Hi CKoch,


Did you use an executable distribution or the Installer distribution?


If you used the executable distribution the runtime engine on the client computer probably misses the cwgraph3d and because of that the client will not be able to display this graph.



1. Make an installer of the application

2. Install the full LabVIEW Run-Time Engine at the client computers (download 8.6 version here)


If you made an installer, I would suggest that you download the full version of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine and install this on the client.


Best regards,


Peter S

Message 2 of 2