02-08-2017 11:36 AM
I am sending a UDP packet called "start" over the network from my embedded system. Then, I would like the NI hardware to start power monitoring (and logging). Next, when I send another UDP packet called "stop", it should stop power monitoring. I have a bash script which sends UDP packets called "start" and "stop" at periodic intervals. To make the vi constantly listen to the UDP port, I added an external while loop. I am having issues with how to proceed further from there. I think I cannot nest another while loop in it, as it is becoming difficult to break out of it when I send "stop" udp packet. I have been reading on NI forums and some have suggested a event structure. I am not sure how to interface it with the while loop despite looking at some examples. Can you please help. I am attaching the vi. I am new to labview and finding it slightly different. I am using Labview 2009.
Thank you very much.
02-08-2017 11:46 AM
Not that it will help with your specific question but...
By definition
UDP packets are NOT guarenteed to be transfered.
If the network stack decides it is too busy or the network decide it is too busy, ... the packet may be disacrded.