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database fetching



Does anyone have a good example of a "database fetching example" as the one in the examples does not work. Gives no errors but does not display the data. 


I want to search the database in the first coloumb (serial number) and then display its corrasponding data in a single row if it exsists. I am using UDL with a MDB file. Just trying to get a proof of concept working at this state.


So if I have


Serial     Name    Company

33333     Bob       Spub

22222     Jim        Lemons


And I search for 33333 it will display Bob and Spub.


Thanks for any help





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Message 1 of 6



do you have the  I database connectivity toolkit? ..Just drop a query like "Select * from [Tablename] where Serial is 33333"

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Message 2 of 6

I figured it out, but have another problem now.


If I use "numbers" in my columns in my mdb file, when I try to search its does not find the entry until I add a char before the number.




Fetch 222 returns only 222

Fetch a222 returns data correctly



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Message 3 of 6

Don't understand how you can say you have it figured out and then say you have a problem with the query. The correct syntax is "Select * from [Tablename] where Serial = 33333". This will return all rows with a numeric serial.


Please explain your 'fetch' command. I hope you really mean 'SELECT'.

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Message 4 of 6

Oohh, for shure it means "Select * from [Tablename] where Serial = 33333" ant not "... is 33333"!  My fault!Smiley Indifferent





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Message 5 of 6

Well lifes a long list of problems that get solved and then new ones appear.


fetching=select it seems. Sorry for the confusion. Smiley Tongue


Seems I must study more information around the use of local and remote database techniques.


Thanks for your help anyway...

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Message 6 of 6