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development verses runtime paths

I have a labview project that needs to get input data files from specific paths that they are in for the development environment.  I also have these same files that I need to get as inputs when I create an exe which puts them in different directories. 


I build the paths to the files that I need to read in by appending other things to them like folder names and filenames.  My challenge is to be able to create these paths based on an "anchor" point in terms of a directory folder which changes when I switch between the devlopmnet environments and the exe.  I do not want to use the get sys dir vi to determine these paths because they are user entered at the time of program install.


Is there an easy way to detemrine if the program is operating in the dev environment verses the exe?   This way I could build a case that would have differnt paths depending on if I was in the dev environment verses the exe....or if I am missing something let me know..

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Message 1 of 3


You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. ~ Alice
For he does not know what will happen; So who can tell him when it will occur? Eccl. 8:7

Message 2 of 3

Another way you can accomplish this is with the Conditional Disable Structure.  You can set the condition to RUN_TIME_ENGINE == TRUE or FALSE and have different code executed based on if you are in the runtime engine or not.


But I prefer to write code that works the same in both environments so there is less to maintain.  Is there a set of code that could have you arrive at the appropriate path, regardless of the fact that it is in an EXE or not?

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