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display array data on xy graph slowly

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I am simulating a stress/strain curve running on an xy graph.


I have an 2d array of data to display on a xy graph. When i hit the play button, i would like it to first show nothing on the graph and slowly you can see the curve move upwards first starting from the XYpoints and running all the way to the end over a time of roughly 10 seconds. How do I do this?


I have attached a vi of what i have done so far. It will straight away plot immediately the whole curve. But i would like to see it curve move slowly upwards instead. I've tried adding a time delay in the loop but it just waits the duration of the delay and straight away the entire curve is displayed. 


Also and if i need to have the display XY graph empty first as i noted that if i rerun it, it still showing the curve from previous run.





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Accepted by topic author BPBP

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that works great. Thanks KateB!

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You can keep things much simpler if you use complex numbers. Here's a quick example (8.6).





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And if you want to avoid memory thrashing due to the constant dataset resizing, Here's another possibility.


Modify as needed.




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